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Workshop on Compu­ta­tional Models in Biology and Medicine 2024

the working groups “Mathe­ma­tical Models in Medicine and Biology” and “Statis­tical Methods in Bioin­for­matics” of the GMDS & IBS-DR are happy to announce the

Workshop on Compu­ta­tional Models in Biology and Medicine 2024
taking place on June 6th and 7th in Dresden, Germany

Confirmed keynote speakers:

* Anne-Christin Hauschild (University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany)
* Kathrin Thedieck (University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
* Carsten Marr (Helmholtz Zentrum München, München, Germany)

Abstracts for talks and posters can be submitted until April 14th, 2024.

For more infor­mation please visit the workshop homepage: https://www.biometrische-gesellschaft.de/arbeitsgruppen/statistische-methoden-i-d-bioinformatik/workshop2024.html