Aktuelle Seite: Startseite » Bioinformatik in Deutschland » Forschung » Zentren » Bioin­for­matics in Munich (BIM)

Bioin­for­matics in Munich (BIM)

Bundesland: Bayern

Stadt: München

AGs: 11

Studiengänge: 4

Since the winter term 2000/2001 the Ludwig-Maximi­lians-University and the Technical University Munich jointly offer an inter­na­tional and inter­di­sci­plinary bioin­for­matics program as “Bachelor” and “Master of Science” course. The studies target likewise the education in biology and chemistry as well as in infor­matics. The following faculties and insti­tutes parti­cipate in the bioin­for­matics curri­culum:


Bioin­for­matic research groups in Munich:

Prof. Dr. Volker Heun: Algorithmic Bioin­for­matics (LMU)

Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmer: Bioin­for­matics (LMU)

Prof. Dr. Caroline Friedel: Bioin­for­matics for High-throughput data(LMU)

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Rost: Bioin­for­matics (TUM — Infor­matik)

Prof. Dr. Dimitrij Frishman: Bioin­for­matics (TUM ‑WZW)

Prof. Dr. Fabian J. Theis: Compu­ta­tional Biology (TUM — Mathe­matik und Helmholtz-Zentrum)

Prof. Dr. Julien Gagneur: Compu­ta­tional Biology, Genomics (TUM — Infor­matik)

Dr. Stefan Canzar: Algorithmic Bioin­for­matics (LMU)

Prof. Dr. Annalisa Marsico: Compu­ta­tional RNA Biology (Helmholtz-Zentrum)

Prof. Dr. Jan Baumbach: Experi­men­telle Bioin­for­matik (TUM)

Bioin­for­matics studies jointly offered by the TU and LMU Munich:

B.Sc. Bioin­for­matics (Ludwig-Maximi­lians-University Munich & Technical University Munich)

M.Sc. Bioin­for­matics (Ludwig-Maximi­lians-University Munich & Technical University Munich)


Studies with bioin­for­matics content:

B.Sc. Molecular Biotech­nology (TUM School of Life Sciences Weihen­stephan, TU Munich)

M.Sc. Molecular Biotech­nology (TUM School of Life Sciences Weihen­stephan, TU Munich)