The Interest Group Bioin­for­matics

In recent years, bioin­for­matics has become a key scien­tific disci­pline — not only in life science basic research but also in the fields of appli­cation like in pharmaceu­tical research. The first scien­tific confe­rence in Germany dealing with the potential of computer science for biology research took place in 1985 in Braun­schweig already. Later, this confe­rence became the yearly German Confe­rence on Bioin­for­matics (GCB).

The intere­di­sci­plinary nature of the field and the hetero­ge­neous educa­tional backgrounds (biology, chemistry, medicine, computer science and mathe­matics) of bioin­for­ma­ti­cians resulted in a repre­sen­tation in the following scien­tific societies:

DECHEMA (Gesell­schaft für Chemische Technik und Biotech­no­logie e.V.)

DECHEMA — Society for Engineering and Biotech­nology — is the expert network for chemical engineering and biotech­nology in Germany. As a non-profit profes­sional society it represents these fields in science, industry, politics and the general public. DECHEMA promotes scien­tific and technical exchange among experts from different disci­plines, organi­sa­tions and genera­tions. We conso­lidate the know-how of over 5,800 individual and sustaining members, identify and evaluate emerging techno­lo­gical trends and facilitate the transfer of research results into indus­trial appli­ca­tions. For more infor­mation please check

GBM (Gesell­schaft für Biochemie und Moleku­lar­bio­logie e.V.)

As an organi­sation repre­senting the interests of molecular biosci­en­tists, the GBM takes a stand on technical and profes­sional issues, supports students and young scien­tists, awards prizes and awards and parti­ci­pates in trade fairs and trade fair confe­rences. Separate GBM working groups are dedicated to the exchange of experience on study programmes and bioche­mical content in medical training.

More infor­mation at

GDCh (Gesell­schaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.)

The German Chemists Society unites people associated with the chemical and molecular sciences and supports them in their respon­sible and sustainable activities for the benefit of the general public and our living environment. In line with this orien­tation, the GDCh promotes chemistry in teaching, research and appli­cation.

More infor­mation at

GI (Gesell­schaft für Infor­matik e.V.)

The Society for Computer Science (GI) is an association of people who have a close connection to computer science and are interested in this field with all its facets and areas of appli­cation. It is the profes­sional association for computer science in German-speaking countries. As such, it promotes the interests of computer science in science, the public and politics.

More infor­mation at

GMDS (Deutsche Gesell­schaft für Medizi­nische Infor­matik, Biometrie und Epide­mio­logie e.V.)

The German Society for Medical Infor­matics, Biometry and Epide­miology (GMDS) e.V. is the only independent scien­tific medical society that represents the disci­plines of medical documen­tation, medical infor­matics, medical biometry and epide­miology for the purpose of promoting teaching, research and healthcare. It also offers its documentary, infor­matics, biometric and epide­mio­lo­gical methods as a “cross-sectional subject” to all medical disci­plines.

More infor­mation at

Verei­nigung für Allge­meine und Angewandte Mikro­bio­logie (VAAM)

The Association for General and Applied Micro­biology (VAAM) brings together around 3500 micro­bio­lo­gi­cally orien­tated scien­tists. The VAAM promotes the scien­tific  exchange of infor­mation and co-operation between its members with the aim of imple­menting micro­bio­lo­gical research results for the benefit of society and the environment.

More infor­mation at

In May 2014, the four first mentioned scien­tific societies agreed to join their activities in the area of computer science in the life sciences by founding the joint Interest Group  Bioin­for­matics (FaBi). The GMDS joined FaBi in October 2015.

The Interest Group Bioin­for­matics (FaBi) which was founded by the general assembly/membership meeting during the GCB 2014 in Bielefeld, became the first specialist interest group repre­senting bioinformatician’s interests with one legiti­mated voice in Germany. Today, FaBi has more than 1000 members and is headed by an elected advisory board. Interested members of the above-mentioned scien­tific societies can become members of the FaBi with no additional costs