Doctoral Degree / PhD

All academic research groups at univer­sities and technical univer­sities offer the possi­bility for doctoral studies (a PhD) after the completion of a respective master’s degree. Research insti­tutes like the Max-Planck‑, Helmholtz‑, Leibniz- and Fraun­hofer Insti­tutes typically provide PhD programs in coope­ration with univer­sities. A PhD program entails active, parti­ci­patory invol­vement in bioin­for­matics research and typically lasts 3–4 years. Some univer­sities and research insti­tu­tions offer coordi­nated PhD programs like graduate schools. If you are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree, we recommend initially selecting research groups based on content-related criteria and inquiring in advance about available doctoral positions and scholar­ships. Additio­nally, please check the job offers posted on Job offers on