Aktuelle Seite: Startseite » Bioinformatik in Deutschland » Forschung » Arbeitsgruppen » Dr. Jan Ellenberg: Protein networks during cell division and early embryonic develo­pment

Dr. Jan Ellenberg: Protein networks during cell division and early embryonic develo­pment

Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg

Stadt: Heidelberg

Leiter: Dr. Jan Ellenberg

Zentrum: European Molecular Biology Labora­tories (EMBL), Heidelberg


The main focus of our group is to syste­ma­ti­cally elucidate the molecular mecha­nisms under­lying cell division and nuclear organi­sation in single cells and early mammalian embryos. We are developing a broad range of quanti­tative fluore­s­cence-based imaging techno­logies to assay the functions of the involved molecular machinery non-invasively, automate imaging to address all its molecular components, and compu­ta­tio­nally process image data to extract bioche­mical and biophy­sical parameters that are then integrated and mined using compu­ta­tional models.

Our research involves:

- Advanced quanti­tative imaging techno­logies of protein complex structure and dynamics
- Compu­ta­tional image analysis and data mining
- Compu­ta­tional analysis of protein networks during mitosis
- Compu­ta­tional modelling of genome archi­tecture and formation of mitotic chromo­somes

Inter­net­präsenz: http://www.embl.de/research/units/cbb/ellenberg/index.html

Kontakt: jan.ellenberg@embl.de