What is Bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics appliese methods from informatics to scientific problems in life sciences. Starting as a connecting discipline between informatics and the…

Bioinformatics in Germany
Research: Research in Germany Facilities Research Groups Studying Bioinformatics: Study and Teaching Bachelor of Science Master of Science PhD Programs…

Study and Teaching
Using computers for scientific purposes plays a major role in many fields of natural sciences. Computing is omnipresent in life…
Welcome to the website of the Bioinformatics Interest Group (FaBI)!
In September 2014, bioinformaticians in Germany united in the joint interest group Bioinformatics (German: Fachgruppe Bioinformatik (FaBI)). FaBI emerged from the respective groups of the four founding societies GI (German Informatics Society), DECHEMA (Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology), GBM (Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and GDCh (German Chemical Society). In fall 2015, also the GMDS (German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry, and Epidemiology) joined FaBI, followed by the Association for General and Applied Microbiology e.V. (VAAM) in May 2019.
FaBI represents more than 750 members today and considers itself as a collective advocate for interests of bioinformatics research communities in Germany. FaBI also serves as a point of contact for policymakers, businesses, and society aiming to strengthen computer-science-based life science research at large.
On this homepage we portray topics of interest to bioinformaticians or computational biologists in Germany. You can gain insights into bioinformatics research, exploring opportunities for studying bioinformatics or current events and job openings for bioinformaticians.
Would you also like to become a member of the Bioinformatics Joint Interest Group and thus contribute to bolstering the interests of bioinformatics in Germany?
If you want to post a job opening, an event or other information on the FaBI webpage or just provide feedback, please send us an email to us at the respective email address.
