Study and Teaching

Using computers for scien­tific purposes plays a major role in many fields of natural sciences. Computing is omnipresent in life sciences as well as theore­tical physics, chemistry and other fields of the natural sciences. Today, bioin­for­matics is part of the curri­culum of many life sciences study programs. Lectures especially focusing on the appli­cation of bioin­for­matics methods, the oppor­tu­nities and their limits. However, for the develo­pment of bioin­for­matics methods funda­mental computer science knowledge is required. In order to also create an indepth under­standing of the appli­cation field, i.e. life sciences, special inter­di­sci­plinary study programs have been created that cover both scien­tific fields. This webpage given an overview of the study programs with distinct bioin­for­matics content.

In Germany various possi­bi­lities to study bioin­for­matics exist. The beginning of such a path is the study of a bachelor’s program. In contrast to uni-disci­plinary programs with a long tradition, the contents and concepts of bioin­for­matics study programs are very diverse. This is due to the huge thematic spectrum of bioin­for­matics: Nearly all methods of infor­matics are nowadays used in all fields of the life sciences. On the one hand, a bioin­for­matics study program can concen­trate on the appli­cation and therefore rather focus on the life sciences. On the other hand it can focus on the methods and the infor­matics aspect of bioin­for­matics. Many univer­sities offer bioin­for­matics master study programs for their students with a bachelors degree in Molecular Biology or Bioche­mistry on the one hand or Computer Science on the other. The orien­tation of a study program can mostly be derived from its affiliation in the organization (i.e. the faculty). Eventually, the precise curri­culum defines the content and the overall structure of a study program. Due to the hetero­geneity of bioin­for­matics rankings are not very reliable. When choosing a certain study program matches personal interests as well as that a reasonable thematics variety of subjects are offered. Univer­sities also offer the option of individual study counseling. Take up the offer!

Bioin­for­matics master programs offer similarly thematic varieties. When you are interested in a master program, please be aware that the selection criteria and admission requi­re­ments may vary signi­fi­cantly between the univer­sities. While some univer­sities offer masters programs that especially build on the bachelor program offered at the same university, other univer­sities offer master programs that can be combined with many different bachelor programs. As witih the bachelor program, when choosing a study program you should foremost take the thematic orien­tation and the variety of the program into account.

The infor­mation on the study programs on is based on the infor­mation provided by the univer­sities. No warranty of any kind related to accuracy and comple­teness of this infor­mation is granted. If you notice that a study program is missing, please let us know by email to

Please also consider our notes on studies and teaching.

Bachelor of Science

Master of Science