Aktuelle Seite: Startseite » Stellenangebote » Postdoc­toral Researcher (m/f/x) in Bioin­for­matics at UKD/HHU

Postdoc­toral Researcher (m/f/x) in Bioin­for­matics at UKD/HHU

Düsseldorf University Hospital (UKD) is the largest hospital in the state capital and one of the most important medical centers in North Rhine-Westphalia. The 9,300 employees at UKD and its subsi­diaries are committed to treating over 45,000 inpatients and 270,000 outpa­tients every year. The UKD stands for inter­na­tional excel­lence in patient care, research and teaching, as well as for innovative and safe diagno­stics, therapy and prevention. Patients benefit from the intensive inter­di­sci­plinary coope­ration between the 60 clinics and insti­tutes. The parti­cular strength of the University Hospital is the close integration of clinical and research work for the safe appli­cation of new methods. Tomorrow’s medicine is being created at the UKD. Every day.

A central aspect of the CARDDIAB research network is the inves­ti­gation of metabolic dysfunc­tions and their relati­onship with cardio­vas­cular diseases. To inves­tigate cardio­me­ta­bolic inter­ac­tions between the organs, high-throughput data are collected from dedicated cohorts. The aim is to gain insights into previously poorly understood cardio­me­ta­bolic aspects, parti­cu­larly in the develo­pment of diabetes.

The research group “Algorithms of Cardio­me­ta­bolic Fluxomics” in the Department for Endocri­nology and Diabe­tology at the Medical Faculty  develops compu­ta­tional methods for the analysis of multi­modal data (genome, transcriptome, epigenome, proteome, metabolome) and is looking for a highly motivated and talented

Postdoc­toral Researcher (m/f/x) in Bioin­for­matics.
full-time (100% TV‑L E13)

Employment will start as soon as possible and last for 21 months with possible extension.

Job description:

  • Carry out cutting edge research in bioin­for­matics and medical data science
  • Develop bioin­for­matics tools for the analysis of Capture Hi‑C sequencing data in a longi­tu­dinal study
  • Analyze single-cell sequencing data for the recon­s­truction of cell lineages
  • Contribute to a colla­bo­rative and inter­di­sci­plinary research initiative at the inter­section of bioin­for­matics and medical research.


  • Doctoral degree/Ph.D. in bioinformatics/computational biology, or related areas
  • Experience with RNA-seq / HI‑C / ChIP-Seq data analysis
  • Programming skills with Python or R
  • Good track record of scien­tific publi­ca­tions
  • Good commu­ni­cation skills (English)
  • Interest in inter­di­sci­plinary colla­bo­ration
  • Independent, respon­sible and committed work attitude

Desirable quali­fi­ca­tions:

  • Successful inter­di­sci­plinary research colla­bo­ra­tions
  • Organiza­tional and coordi­nation skills
  • First experi­ences in raising third-party funds
  • Experience in super­vising student projects and Bachelor/Master theses
  • Inter­na­tional research experience / working experience abroad

Our offer:

  • The position is based on the German Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (WissZeitVG according to § 2 p. 2), initially for a fixed term of 21 months until the end of the project with the possi­bility of extension
  • Remune­ration according to TV‑L E13
  • Space for personal respon­si­bility, creativity and personal develo­pment
  • Flexible and family-friendly working time models
  • Childcare options in a UKD day-care center and offers for those returning from parental leave
  • 38,5 (100%) working hours per week
  • Inexpensive catering options on the UKD site
  • Company pension scheme (VBL supple­mentary pension in the public sector)

For questions please contact Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Dörr (e‑Mail: daniel.doerr@med.uni-duesseldorf.de).

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf is aiming to increase the proportion of women. Appli­ca­tions from women will therefore be given prefe­rence if they have the same suita­bility, ability and profes­sional perfor­mance, unless reasons related to the person of a compe­titor prevail. Heinrich Heine University is committed to the principle of excel­lence through diversity. We signed the “Diversity Charter” and successfully parti­ci­pated in the Stifterverband´s “Shaping Diversity” audit. It is certified as a family friendly university and has set itself the goal of promoting the diversity of its employees. The appli­cation of suitable severely disabled and equivalent disabled people according to SGB IX is desired. The work area is generally suitable for part-time staff.

By sending the appli­cation documents, the applicant agrees that these become the property of the University Hospital Düsseldorf and will not be returned for reasons of cost.

Appli­ca­tions should be submitted within two weeks of release of this offer preferably by email to:



Univer­si­täts­kli­nikum Düsseldorf

D 01.2.1 –

reference number: 559E/24

Moorenstr. 5, 40225 Düsseldorf