Aktuelle Seite: Startseite » Stellenangebote » PhD student (f/m/d) in the field of “Compu­ta­tional Design and Struc­tural Analysis of Designer-Proteins”

PhD student (f/m/d) in the field of “Compu­ta­tional Design and Struc­tural Analysis of Designer-Proteins”

Modern, inter­con­nected, conscious of tradition: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) is the old-
est and largest university in the State of Saxony-Anhalt with a history dating back more than 500 years. Today
more than 20,000 students are enrolled at MLU.
As part of the JTC project, the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Faculty of Natural Sciences I — Bi-
osciences, Institute of Pharmacy, Processing of Biotech­nical Products in the innovation team “Designer pro-
teins as bio-based binders” is seeking to fill the temporary position of a
Scientist (PhD student) (f/m/d)
in the field of “Compu­ta­tional Design and Struc­tural Analysis of Designer-Proteins”
in part time (50%) at the earliest possible date, limited until 31.12.2027.
The salary will be up to Entgelt­gruppe 13 TV‑L, if the personal requi­re­ments and tasks are fulfilled.
Work assign­ments:
With the European Center of Just Transition Research and Impact-Driven Transfer (JTC), an inter­di­sci­plinary re-
search center is being estab­lished at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, which will address questions
about the fair design of techno-socio-economic change processes in transition regions in Central Germany and
link ‘questions of the day after tomorrow’ with current challenges. To this end, 17 so-called innovation teams
have been estab­lished at MLU, which are made up of inter­di­sci­plinary members from the humanities and social
sciences as well as the natural and material sciences.
The position is a joint project between the Institute of pharmacy at MLU and compu­ta­tional chemistry group at
Leibniz Institute of Plant Bioche­mistry (IPB-Halle, AG Davari).
• Conducting research in the field of compu­ta­tional bioche­mistry
• Compu­ta­tional part:
o Design of artificial surface-binding proteins using Roset­ta­Surface and deep learning–based
protein sequence design
o Struc­tural ensemble prediction and validation using AlphaFold
o Mecha­nistic under­standing of surface binding by using atomistic and coarse-grained MD sim-
• The work will be performed in close colla­bo­ration with an experi­mental scientist, who will work on experi-
mental charac­te­rization and validation. The candidate will have the oppor­tunity to test their own predic-
tion in the lab.
• Writing scien­tific reports and publi­ca­tions as part of the research project
The position offers the oppor­tunity to pursue a doctoral degree.
• Completed university degree (Diploma or MSc) in bioin­for­matics, compu­ta­tional biology or compu­ta­tional
(bio)chemistry, (bio)physics or related fields

Very good practical and theore­tical knowledge in the field of struc­tural bioin­for­matics, molecular and struc-
tural biology; full working profi­ciency in a in programming language (e.g., Python, C/C++, JAVA), and full
working profi­ciency in UNIX/Linux
• Very good theore­tical and practical knowledge of machine learning and deep learning methods (PyTorch,
TensorFlow, etc.)
• Good theore­tical and practical knowledge of molecular simulation techniques (molecular dynamics or
Monte Carlo methods)
• Knowledge in the field of protein design and modern generative models and high-perfor­mance computing
systems is an advantage
• Very good written and spoken English language skills
• Struc­tured and reliable way of working, as well as very good team and commu­ni­cation skills
• Ability to work in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensi­tivity and respect for diversity.
Appli­cation of disabled candi­dates with equivalent quali­fi­cation will be given priority. Women are parti­cu­larly
encou­raged to apply. Appli­cants with a foreign quali­fi­cation have to show the statement of compa­ra­bility for
foreign higher educa­tional quali­fi­cation issued by the Central Office for Foreign Education/Zentralstelle für
auslän­di­sches Bildungs­wesen (https://www.kmk.org/zab/central-office-for-foreign-education).
For more infor­mation, please contact Dr. Constanze Zwies, Tel.: 0345 55–25941,
E‑Mail: constanze.zwies@pharmazie.uni-halle.de
Please send your appli­cation quoting the regis­tration number 5–617/25‑D, with the usual documents (letter of
motivation, CV, certi­fi­cates) with reference to until 14.02.2025 by post to Prof. Dr. Markus Pietzsch, Weinbergweg
22, 06120 Halle (Saale) and the electro­nical appli­ca­tions have to be sent by e‑mail
Only complete appli­cation documents are considered.
This announcement is depending on fund availa­bility and any possible budget restriction. Appli­cation expenses
cannot be reimbursed by the Martin-Luther-University.
Appli­cation costs will not be reimbursed by Martin Luther University. Appli­cation documents will only be returned
if a suffi­ci­ently stamped envelope is enclosed. https://www.verwaltung.uni-halle.de/dezern3/Ausschr/25_5_617_25_D_engl.pdf