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Full-Time GSSP PhD Scholar­ships in Inter­di­sci­plinary Data Science

Full-Time GSSP Scholar­ships at Data Science in Hamburg — Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter

DASHH is an inter­di­sci­plinary graduate school that supports challenging PhD topics at the interface of natural sciences or materials science and applied mathe­matics or computer science. DASHH involves several key research insti­tu­tions and univer­sities in the multi­faceted and vibrant city of Hamburg, Germany.

DASHH is looking for excellent and highly qualified PhD candi­dates outside Germany, interested in designing and working on inter­di­sci­plinary, data-driven research projects in accele­rator science, materials science, struc­tural biology, applied mathe­matics, computer science, or engineering. You are welcome to discuss and propose your own project ideas with our DASHH super­visors.

Our offer: two full-time GSSP scholar­ships by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD for students outside Germany working on inter­di­sci­plinary research projects with super­visors from both fields

Our profile: world-leading large-scale research facilities (PETRA III, FLASH, EuXFEL), highly experi­enced super­visors from our nine partner insti­tu­tions (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, University of Hamburg, Hamburg University of Technology, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, European XFEL) inspiring inter­na­tional environment in the Science City Hamburg Bahrenfeld, cutting-edge data science, excellent scien­tific training and soft skill & career develo­pment support

Candidate requi­re­ments: We are looking for highly motivated inter­na­tional students with an excellent academic background in accele­rator science, struc­tural biology, materials science, computer science, or applied mathe­matics. The candi­dates should bring a strong interest in working on highly inter­di­sci­plinary topics, be team-oriented, and have a strong background in programming.

For more infor­mation, see https://www.dashh.org/application/gssp_scholarships/index_eng.html