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2 PostDoc or PhD positions in machine learning for precision oncology

The Biome­dical Network Science Lab (BIONETS Lab, https://bionets.tf.fau.de) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Univer­sität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU, https://fau.eu) and the Department of Pedia­trics and Adole­scent Medicine at the University Hospital Erlangen (UKER, https://www.uk-erlangen.de/en/) offer 2 postdoc­toral or doctoral researcher positions at the inter­section of graph-based machine learning, precision oncology, and federated learning.

Position infor­mation

Using real-world data from actual patients (>50 million laboratory test results from >500,000 patients), you will design, implement, and validate (graph-based) machine learning models for diagnosis and prognosis in pediatric oncology. Moreover, you will develop federated counter­parts of the machine learning models to enable privacy-preserving model training on decen­trally available data. You will work on a highly inter­di­sci­plinary project and will conti­nuously colla­borate with bioin­for­ma­ti­cians, clinical oncolo­gists, and indus­trial software developers.

Research environment

The BIONETS Lab is part of the new Department Artificial Intel­li­gence in Biome­dical Engineering at FAU (AIBE, https://aibe.tf.fau.de), which was estab­lished as a corner­stone of the health node of the Bavarian High-Tech Agenda. Research at the BIONETS Lab focuses on the develo­pment of algorithms and ML models for systems biology, while UKER’s Department of Pedia­trics and Adole­scent Medicine has strong expertise in the large-scale quanti­tative analysis of multi-centre laboratory test result data in pediatric oncology (e.g., the PEDREF study, https://www.pedref.org/).


All candi­dates should demons­trate strong research passion, scien­tific curiosity, and a highly independent work style. Candi­dates applying for a PhD position should have a Master’s degree in computer science, bioin­for­matics, applied mathe­matics, or a related field with above-average grades. Candi­dates applying for a postdoc­toral researcher position should additio­nally have a PhD in one of these fields and an excellent publi­cation record. Profi­ciency in both written and spoken English and strong programming skills are essential. Additional desirable quali­fi­ca­tions include knowledge or experience in one or several of the following fields:

  • Machine learning / deep learning
  • Graph-based algorithms and machine learning models
  • Federated learning
  • Biome­dical data science

Position details and appli­cation instruc­tions

Positions can start as soon as possible. Funding is available through TV‑L E13 positions (100 %) with a duration of 2 years. Extension may be possible, depending on availa­bility of funding. Candi­dates should apply with a motivation letter (max. 1 page), an academic CV, a list of publi­ca­tions (especially relevant for PostDoc candi­dates), the contact details of preferably three resear­chers who agreed to provide letters of reference, and a transcript of record of their Master’s degree. Please combine these documents in a single PDF and send them to Prof. Dr. David B. Blumenthal (david.b.blumenthal@fau.de) and to PD Dr. Jakob Zierk (jakob.zierk@uk-erlangen.de) in a single email with the subject “<your surname> appli­cation FLabNet”. Appli­ca­tions will be accepted until the positions are filled.